We specialize in boosting trade development between Slovene, Tunisian, and other North African companies.

Consultancy and Support

Explore various trade partnership opportunities available for Slovene, Tunisian, and North African companies.

Business Events

Join us for exclusive business networking events to connect with potential trade partners.

Market Research

Take advantage of our market research services to gain insights into target markets.


We boost trade development between Slovene, Tunisian, and North African companies.

Business Events

Every year we organize several events in Slovenia, Tunisia and other countries. We can organize for our customers different type of events, such as conference, seminar, B2B or even trade delegation.

Consultancy and Support

Are you already trading with Slovenia, Tunisia or any other North African market and you are facing obstacles? Let us know. We help our customers with consultancy and support for different services.

turned on black and grey laptop computer
turned on black and grey laptop computer
Market Research

We implement for our clients precise market researches. Our clients demanded different type of services related to market researching. We are glad to help you finding customers, suppliers or partners.

Become a Member

Our members have special conditions and benefits. Annual membership fee is 20 EUR or 60 Tunisian Dinars. Contact us to become a member.

Business club Tun Slo is supported by the SPIRIT Slovenia and Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sports of Republic of Slovenia


SPIRIT Slovenia Izvozno okno Slovenia Business
